No one can be described by just one word. "She's pretty," "she's smart," "she's creative," "she's awkward," "she's a leader," "she's shy;" we all have a million adjectives other people use to describe us, but in the end, one word can never really sum up everything we are. This blog is about all the different parts of me, all the different ways I'm not only...


Spring Break

For the past week, along with fellow blogger Kind of That Girl, I went on a spring break cruise. It was awesome--too awesome to even begin relaying all of the amazing memories and hillarious stories. Instead, I have a list of quotes we wrote down throughout our trip. Interpret them how you will.

Supple 20 yr old
Rain when Katy drives
Old ppl hotel
Cabbie: best peaches (bitches)
Thank god I was wearing my cover up
Becky kissed Iurii on the lips
Should I, no. Will I, yes.
I will profan all I want
Got bitch slapped with an iguana tail
Is Ed Too Tall Jones too tall?
My everywhere is burnt
Stairs or steps?
The meatball says no
Guys. We gotta figure out this condom situation
If the alarm goes off we'll just laugh about it
Zen will take us to jail
Super cereal
I'm not as drink as you think I am
We're not friends yet you can't make fun of me
Wait that tasted like water
Try it it's not that bad
--that's what you said about the nail polish remover
Wingman city
She just birthed her ID
I may or may not have arranged D's makeout session
Cotton eye Joe
Please bring me to jail
Are my boobs rectangular?
I need to bitch slap you
Sir Nipsalot
D's market in her bra
I'm unpoopular
If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing

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