No one can be described by just one word. "She's pretty," "she's smart," "she's creative," "she's awkward," "she's a leader," "she's shy;" we all have a million adjectives other people use to describe us, but in the end, one word can never really sum up everything we are. This blog is about all the different parts of me, all the different ways I'm not only...


Crutches Chronicles Part 3

Embarrassing situations I have gotten into due to crutches:
-My first day back at work, when the parking deck stairway tired me out so badly that I had to pause mid-way up the steps to the capitol to catch my breath
-Tripping back down said stairway on the return trip to my car
-Tripping on flat ground
-Not being able to shove my crutches into my tiny two-seater
-Hopping out of my two-seater on one foot, accidentally closing my coat in the door, and not noticing until it jerked me backward in front of a dozen college students
-Having to carry the ugly black bookbag I've had (and subsequently torn up) for three years instead of my sleek black coach purse
-Getting caught in an extremely heavy door with said bookbag, leading me to hop and and shuffle through with an entire committee watching
-Using a public restroom (will not explain further)
-Slipping on a tile floor after coming in from the rain
-Dropping a stack of papers while trying to carry them and crutch at the same time
-Date night with my sorority, where my crutches got knocked down into spilled drink after spilled drink
-The next day at work, when the plastic and metal strongly smelled of alcohol

1 comment:

  1. Are you more likely to get injured again using them?

    Oh lordy, thank goodness when I broke the foot last OCtober, I just had a one of those black pressure boots, no crutches needed.

    Btw - I got your blog from ALH...
