No one can be described by just one word. "She's pretty," "she's smart," "she's creative," "she's awkward," "she's a leader," "she's shy;" we all have a million adjectives other people use to describe us, but in the end, one word can never really sum up everything we are. This blog is about all the different parts of me, all the different ways I'm not only...


Something Borrowed

Just had to share--my older sister gave me the sweetest early wedding present. She got married just a few months ago, and when I went to her house to meet her to go shopping yesterday, she pulled out a gift. I opened it and found a small crystal perfume bottle, already filled with the same type of perfume she had worn for her wedding day. Though my big day is still a year away, I now have my 'Something Borrowed' to wear, a gift from my Matron of Honor.

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