No one can be described by just one word. "She's pretty," "she's smart," "she's creative," "she's awkward," "she's a leader," "she's shy;" we all have a million adjectives other people use to describe us, but in the end, one word can never really sum up everything we are. This blog is about all the different parts of me, all the different ways I'm not only...

On Crutches

The irony of my being on crutches is...I was walking fine before I went in to get my foot x-rayed. A slight pain that had persisted for four months turned out to be a fracture down the middle of a bone in my foot--one that had not prevented me from dance practices, going out in heels, or running every other day. Now I'm in a cast for the next four weeks...and hating it.

Crutches Chronicles Part 1
Crutches Chronicles Part 2
Crutches Chronicles Part 3
Crutches Chronicles Part 4
Crutches Chronicles Part 5 (Unfortunately)