No one can be described by just one word. "She's pretty," "she's smart," "she's creative," "she's awkward," "she's a leader," "she's shy;" we all have a million adjectives other people use to describe us, but in the end, one word can never really sum up everything we are. This blog is about all the different parts of me, all the different ways I'm not only...


Applauding the Health Care Bill

To the President and the Democrats

Who passed the Health Care Bill,

Who stalwartly fought and triumphed

Through the rage of Capitol Hill,

We applaud you and salute you

For achieving this reform,

For breaking political stalemates,

For ignoring the misinformed.

Despite the media's trials

And red wrath you have incurred,

You fought to ensure that

All Americans are insured.


Expanding coverage to 32 million,

Slicing the deficit through the next decade,

Offering the poor and poverty stricken

Expanded access to Medicaid.

Requiring all to purchase health care

Or face an annual fee

So that taxpayers do not later pay

When they face an emergency.

Protecting those with long-term illness

From new insurance being denied,

Helping countless adults and children

Who otherwise may have died.

Allowing seniors to get the medicines

That they require to live

By closing the prescription donut hole

That their small salaries cannot give.


And how will all this great reform

Be covered and repaid?

By taxing things like tanning booths

To subsidize government aid,

And taxing unearned income

For the top bracket of the wealthy,

And the expensive Cadillac plans

More than enough to keep the rich healthy.

And because of all this funding

We offer universal health care plans,

And Amongst the other industrialized states

Now America may proudly stand.


So despite the media's outcry,

The lies and slander thrown,

Despite the difference in beliefs--

The House and Senate's own--

Despite the mass of strong denial

The clash of partisan will,

And the public defamation from those

Who never read the bill,

Despite the President's foul treatment,

The political beating you've endured,

This bill will ensure that

All Americans are insured.


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